Ecoin works on a simple idea that a currency value grows with its network of users. Hence Ecoin wants to distribute its tokens to as many people as possible, for absolutely free. You can read more below.

Ecoin is a new cryptocurrency - built on EOS blockchain technology - which is opening up the crypto space to the wider public. The token is a great idea for saving, with no need to invest any of your hard earned money.
The easiest way to reach everyone with a new cryptocurrency, according to Ecoin, is to give the token for free and this is exactly what they are doing. At the present, each subscriber who signs up from a verified email receives 600 Ecoins and it already attracted almost 3,000,000 subscribers to its new platform..
After that, each referral whose email gets verified gets you another 600 Ecoins. In this way, by encouraging each of its subscribers to sign up just 5 of their friends, Ecoin targets to reach a billion users in a short time. It's currently approaching 3,000,000 users.
Once a billion users are reached, Ecoin estimates that the value of each Ecoin will be USD1, enabling millions of people to earn huge amounts of dollars without risking their hard earned money. This it states is its secret for being the world's fastest growing cryptocurrency.
Ecoin has a supply of 1 trillion coins of which 500 billion are locked in a smart contract and are released by about 50 billion every 6 months. The remaining 500 billion will be distributed to users who sign up to its platform.
Ecoins are on the PROBIT Exchange so it is possible to cash out. However, Ecoin discourages selling to traders by paying interest to retain its subscribers for the long term. At time of writing 3000 Ecoins are worth $18.
Please sign up to Ecoin now to receive your free 600 Ecoins.